Oppose Piracy & Get Free Books Legally

“Online piracy is a major factor contributing to the decline of authors’ income. Each year, the publishing industry loses hundreds of millions of dollars in lost sales to piracy—and with each lost sale, authors lose royalty income. There is a clear correlation between the decline in income from writing and the exponential growth of online pirate channels dedicated to distributing and selling illegal ebook copies.” —The Authors Guild 

You CAN Get Free Books — Legally and Honestly

Authors often give away books to reach new readers and build their audiences. For example, the first book in my Waterspell fantasy series, The Warlock, is free at a whole host of retailers. Anyone can get it from their preferred store absolutely free: see the list of retailers at books2read.com.

Rather than downloading bootlegged ebooks from pirate sites, please sign up for one or more of the following legitimate book-lovers’ newsletters/emails. Subscribe for free, and enjoy a never-ending supply of free books:

Happy reading!

If you find a book you particularly like at any of these sites, please consider purchasing an additional book from that author. Writers can’t keep writing if we have no income. Please support us with your book purchases. Thank you.

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